HBH Post-Birth Healing Sitz Bath

HBH Post-Birth Healing Sitz Bath

from $10.79

Type 1: Two healing sachets, no added Epsom salts = 285 NT
Type 2: Two healing sachets, comes with Epsom salts added = 345 NT

This item is available for purchase on the website. It is not a regular stock item at the 25-9 Daye Road shop. If you’d like to buy this at the shop, please send a message here and I’ll be sure to put some aside there for you. ~Thank you!

From whattoexpect.com
’What are the benefits of using a sitz bath for pain relief after birth?

There are a number of benefits to sitz baths:

  • Improves blood flow to the perineal area, which reduces swelling and inflammation and promotes healing.

  • Relaxes the muscles in the perineum, which can relieve the pain of a tear or episiotomy.

  • Soothes the soreness that comes from childbirth stretching.

  • Relieves the itching that often accompanies stitches.

  • Keep things clean down there, helping to lower the risk of infection.

A sitz bath can also help ease pain and itching from hemorrhoids — another postpartum symptom you may be experiencing.’

Suggested use:
To release the full spectrum of of healing properties of the herbs in this blend, add one bag to 500 ml (if adding to a basin) or 1000 ml (if adding to a bath) of freshly boiled water. Cover and steep for at least ten minutes.
And then,

Instructions on how to use a sitz bath from whattoexpect.com

‘Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set up and use a sitz bath:

  • Fill a cleaned and disinfected sitz bath basin or tub with two to three inches of water. You want the water to come up only to your hips when you sit down. Using a specialized basin that fits on top of a toilet is easier than using a tub, since you won’t have to take your clothes off.

  • Use warm (not hot) water. Some women prefer cool water in their sitz bath — especially since cool water tends to reduce swelling more effectively than warm water.

  • Experts recommend soaking once a day for up to 20 minutes max. If there are stitches in the perineum, too much soaking can cause the tissues to break down and the stitches to fall apart, so be sure to ask your practitioner for a recommendation.

  • When you’re done, pat the area dry with a soft, clean towel, or use a hairdryer on cool setting. (You'll want to keep the area as dry as possible, especially if you have stitches). Don’t rub — that’ll only increase your soreness.

Ingredients in bags to steep:
organic comfrey leaf, lavender buds, organic plantago leaf, red raspberry leaf, organic yarrow, organic calendula, organic chamomile, organic witch hazel bark, rose petals
Optional: Epsom salts

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