✨Nutritious Life Challenge Day 2!✨

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The things we know should do, and maybe don't, can be our greatest steps to well-being!

Challenge and bonus challenges if you already do this⬇️

Day 2 Challenge:
💧Nutritious Hydration

It's HOT right now so chances are whether sweating it out at night or using a fan or air conditioner, you are dehydrated when you wake up. 
How do you usually start your day and digestion off?
Water? Tea? Cooooooffeeee?

Consider this:
"...pure water is second only to oxygen as the most important nutrient for sustaining human life. It has an important action in nearly every major function of the body from regulating body temperature to carrying nutrients and oxygen to cells. It is the main component of blood and lymph. Water cushions joints, greases the walls of the arteries, helps prevent constipation, and is crucial for metabolic reactions. It regulates the temperature of the body by absorbing heat produced by cell metabolism and physical exercise. It cleans the tissues of the body by removing wastes and toxins."
~Kurt Grange, PH.D., N.D.

One way many of us can quickly and efficiently set our bodies up for better physical and mental health and energy ALL DAY is (if you can) drinking 500 ml (2 cups) of water first thing in the morning.

Already do?
Then try one of these bonus challenges!

✨ Add a squeeze of lemon/lime or a small spoon of apple cider vinegar to help calmly stimulate your digestion. (It's not suggested you do this right before brushing your teeth)

✨Make it an herbal tea! (my favourite!)
Whether your standard herbal teas or the more vitamin/mineral/nutrient dense teas like nettle or red clover, when left to steep for several hours (overnight is easy!) they are even more potent. 
PERFECT for a first drink of the day.
*green tea and oolong tea can cause mild nausea for some if drunk in the morning due to the tannins

✨Alternatively you can focus on hydrating in the afternoon (in any of the ways mentioned above), especially if you are prone to an afternoon energy slump!

What a quick and easy way to show your body you care and it can relax into trusting you to honor its needs. 💜

What suggestions do you have? Have any hesitation about doing it? Did it and/or yesterday's challenge and want to share your experience? Let us know in the comments below!

Yeah, yeah, drink water, I know. You've heard it before. But check the studied effects of even MILD dehydration HERE

(originally posted in Health Bestowing Hands 健康到手)

V BorrowmanComment